UPDATE June 28, 2020

Dear Rose Hill Church Family,

I wanted to give you some important updates regarding the life and ministry of the church, particularly as they relate to our regathering plans.

As you might know by now, both our governor and county judge have pushed the pause button, so to speak, on re-opening Texas and Harris County. Out of love, care, and concern for our neighbors and each other, we are also going to push the pause button for the time being.

This means that the handful of groups who were recently regathering on campus will need to defer from meeting in person and meet via Zoom until the situation gets better.

We will, however, still regather for worship on July 5th, but in a slightly different way. Instead of having our two previously planned in-person worship services in our Faith Center, we are going to have a drive-in Communion service at 9:00 am. Beginning around 8:45 am, you will be invited to drive up to the porte cochere, receive the elements, and then be directed to a parking spot. Once everyone has received the elements and is parked, we will begin our Communion service using a sound system. Everyone will remain in their cars.

After our brief, but impactful, time together, I invite you to return to your homes and join us online for our 11:00 am worship service.

Hope to see you Sunday!

For The Kingdom,
Rev. Jason J. Nelson

Click below to see
Phase 1 Regathering Guidelines
Click below to make
your Small Group Meeting Reservation